

Use the buttons below to skip to the types of questions that best match the information you are seeking.

Registration FAQs Celebrity Guests FAQs
Autograph and photo FAQs Programming FAQs
Volunteer FAQs Accommodations FAQs
Registration FAQs

What are the 2025 show hours?

Friday, June 20

Show Floor - 2:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. (1:30 p.m. for VIPs)
Box Office - 1:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Programming - 3:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.

Saturday, June 21

Show Floor - 10:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. (9:30 a.m. for VIPs)
Box Office - 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Programming - 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 a.m.

Sunday, June 22

Show Floor - 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 9:30 a.m. for VIPs)
Box Office - 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Programming - 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

What are your health and safety protocols?

To learn more about how we are handling health and safety at the event, please click here.

Where is the location for Comicpalooza?

Comicpalooza will take place at the George R Brown Convention Center which is located at 1001 Avenida De Las Americas, Houston, Texas 77010

What is the difference between a ticket, a pass, a badge, and a wrist-band?

Tickets and passes mean the same thing. Once you purchase a pass online, you will receive an email confirmation with a QR code that you should print and bring with you for quicker access. Or, you can pull it up on your phone or tablet. The QR code will be scanned and a badge, a wristband, or both depending on what was purchased will be supplied. For online purchases, most badges are available at Early Badge pickup, all are available at Will Call during the show. Specialty passes such as VIP and Speed Pass holders will receive a wristband onsite at the event. The wristband is required to be worn on your wrist throughout the weekend.

How much are passes?

Prices to the 2025 show are available here.

Are there discounts?

Pre-registration is always a cheaper option than buying passes during event weekend. Additional opportunities may become available.

Is there a group rate for schools?

Please make school group inquiries through

Is there a student discount?

We do not have a student discount.

Is there a military discount?

We offer a 20% military discount at the door with proof of your military I.D. Although in some cases, purchasing passes before show weekend will still be cheaper than door prices with the 20% discount.

How can I purchase a pass?

Before the convention, all passes can be purchased online. During the convention, all passes can be purchased online or at the door. To learn more about our different options review our Buyer’s Guide here.

Can I buy passes for someone else?

Yes. Only general information is needed to purchase a pass.

Can I buy a pass onsite?

Passes can be purchased on the actual days of the convention at the designated Registration location. They can be purchased online on those days as well. The purchaser would then need to go to Will Call to pick up his/her badge and/or wristband.

What are your prices at the door?

The pre-purchase prices you see on the website are typically less expensive than the at-the-door prices. We do not publish our at-the-door prices in advance.

What does my pass include?

It depends on the type of pass you purchased. You can learn about the different options in our Buyer’s Guide here.

Does the VIP pass include General Admission?

Yes, VIP passes are General Admission weekend passes, and much more. Learn more in our Buyer’s Guide.

How do I pick up my badge?

If pre-ordered, badges can be picked up a few weeks before the show at select locations that will be announced on the Comicpalooza website and social media, an additional option is Will Call at the convention center during show hours.

Passes can also be purchased at Registration on any day of the convention.

Do I need a physical printout of my ticket?

No. While physical printouts are always helpful, we can also scan a ticket QR code from your phone or tablet.

Can I pick up my friend's badge?

Anyone who has your ticket confirmation email/QR code may pick up your badge. Once it has been released, it is the attendee’s responsibility to distribute the badge appropriately.

How can I verify my purchase?

When passes are purchased online, a verification email should arrive within 24 hours at the email address used. If no email is received, you can request to have your confirmation email be re-sent using this link.

Can I swap or upgrade my pass?

Yes, if you purchased a single-day pass, you’ll have the option to swap your days or upgrade to a weekend pass. If the pass you swapped for is less than your original pass, you will not be granted a refund for the difference. If the price is of greater value, you will need to pay the difference for the swap. To swap or upgrade, go to your confirmation email, click on view order online, and from there you’ll have the options available.

At what age do children need tickets?

Children 5 years old and under are free and do not require passes for entry. Children ages 6 to 12 must have a Kid’s pass purchased for them. Adult passes are required for ages 13 and up.

Are children allowed on the VIP pass?

Two children, 12 and under, can stay alongside each adult with a VIP badge. Children over 12 years old must have a VIP pass to utilize VIP privileges such as panel room seating, VIP autograph lines, early entrance to Exhibit Halls, etc.

What is the refund policy?

Guest appearances and programming are subject to change or cancel due to other obligations. Please check the Comicpalooza website for the most current listings prior to the event. Refunds for admission products (such as weekend, single-day, and VIP passes) cannot be issued in the event of a guest cancellation or for any other reason. If a guest should cancel, all pre-sold autographs, and photo ops will be refunded. If you purchased a Speed Pass and since Speed Passes are tied to guests, a refund may be possible if one or more cancel. Please consult each pass description in the registration system to review the criteria.

Why do you increase prices before the show?

We like to flip that and ask: Why do we lower prices before the show? Our show prices cover the expense of the event and we base that on estimated attendance. We know that the small majority of people that purchase passes early are planning to come to the show regardless of the celebrity guests we’re bringing in so we want to reward them. The majority like to wait and that’s okay, too. We progressively raise prices and you can choose to buy when you’re ready. Be careful though, if you’re making a decision solely on a celebrity, they do cancel sometimes. We tend to wait a little longer than other shows to announce our guests with the hopes that their schedules are better set. Other obligations do come up.

What if the event is cancelled by Comicpalooza?

In the event Comicpalooza cancels this year any passes, photo ops, autographs and/or exhibitor spaces already purchased will be refunded. All purchasers will be notified if the event is cancelled and will receive a refund confirmation.

May I pay for tickets onsite in cash?

Yes, we can take cash or credit card.

Can I purchase passes with a gift card?

Yes, you are able to purchase passes with a gift card including Visa, Mastercard, American Express, etc. Although, in the unlikely event that Comicpalooza is canceled, you must retain the gift card you purchased with as that will be the form of payment that your refund will go back to.

If I purchase an adult pass now, can I add a children's pass to my order at a later time?

Yes, if you purchase an adult pass now, you are able to add a children's pass to your order later.

Can I purchase Comicpalooza passes through other websites?

Comicpalooza passes are only available through our registration system, Leap Event Technologies. Make sure you are purchasing passes through our buy passes links that are on our website and shared on our official social media channels. If you have any doubts, email

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Celebrity Guests

How do I request a celebrity, comic, cosplay, literature or any other guest for consideration?

We have created a form for guest suggestions where the information is stored in a database. This is the single best way to request one of your favorite guests. You can find it on our website here.

How do agents or entertainers make contact when interested in attending Comicpalooza as a guest?

Please go to the Guest Registration page on our website here and complete the form. It will be sent to our talent acquisition team.

Why won’t you bring in the guest that I’ve requested?

We receive a large volume of requests across a wide range of genres. We narrow down our selection by assessing the possible success of a guest based on the data we have. If we feel they will do well in this market, meaning hundreds of people would be interested in the same person or panel, we will begin discussions with their agent.

From there, negotiation variables on our side include the cost to bring in the guest as well as the costs they want to charge for autographs and/or photographs. We compare those to what we believe the market will pay. Many agents assess the popularity of the show, this includes the volume of people and overall sentiment they find on traditional and social media channels. They look at the availability of the celebrity guest during the show schedule and the offer. The final decision to attend is made by the potential guest.

In short, we look at a lot of guests and make a lot of offers. Sometimes who attends and for how many days is not up to us. We wish it was though (we’re looking at you Chris Pratt who has been requested by many folks on our team.)

Why do some shows announce celebrities sooner?

In most cases those are multi-city cons or multi-event cons who are able to negotiate multi-faceted contracts with celebrities in advance, so they’re able to announce earlier. However, there’s a greater risk of cancellations when booking too far out. Alternatively, a smaller convention may pay a premium for the guest, which gets passed along to the attendees in some form or fashion. It really is that simple. Although prices have risen over time and cancellations do happen, we prefer to come up with options that have the best outcome for our attendees.

Here’s another way to look at it: We’re a large, diverse neighborhood market that lives, works, and plays in the area we serve. Those other guys are National retailers who buy in bulk, send you what they have, and visit occasionally. We’re not going to pretend we don’t envy their buying power a little but we’re pretty proud of what we’ve built with the support and feedback from our attendees

How long are panels and am I allowed to ask a question during that time?

Celebrity Panel Q&As run between 30-45 minutes, with the majority lasting 45 minutes. Although most panels allow for audience questions, some are restricted to moderator questions only. In those cases, we try to solicit questions from fans in advance of the show, which we forward to the moderator. Due to time constraints, there is no guarantee that the questions will be asked.

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Autograph and Photo FAQ's

Why should I buy photo and autographs early?

There’s only so many photos and autographs that a celebrity can sign. In order to ensure you get the one you want, we recommend ordering in advance. If the celebrity cancels (we get shivers even thinking about it) you will be refunded, or if you prefer and are quick to reach out to our friends at Epic Photo Ops who manage the photo/auto sales, they may be able to transfer your purchase to another guest. Click for more information and learn more about the impact you make below.

How does buying early impact the celebrity schedule?

The celebrities are available to take photographs and sign autos during a set amount of hours in the day. Where they spend their time is largely impacted by how many orders are in place. More photos, more time in the photo booth. More autographs, more time in the auto booth. If purchases are not made until onsite, it can create scheduling backlogs. Our pals at Epic Photo Ops are pros and can work around it BUT there is a greater chance that you can miss the opportunity you want if you don’t buy, and plan appropriately, in advance.

Why isn’t the celebrity in their autograph area?

In addition to signing autographs, celebrities have panels, are in the photo booth, or take breaks. If they’re on a break, we recommend standing in line. That way, you’re one of the first in and out to get your signature. If you have any questions, including when the celebrity will be returning, a volunteer should be in the area and can provide you with information. Panel schedules can be found in the show schedule. Additionally, Epic Photo Ops prepares the photo schedule based on pre-event demand and once the celebrity lineup is set. Both are usually available 2-3 weeks in advance.

Where is the autograph/photo op schedules?

2-3 weeks out the show schedule will indicate when the celebrity is in the auto/photo area found in Hall E of the Exhibit Floor. The photo schedule is managed by our friends at Epic Photo Ops and can be found on their website. When available, helpful links and other information can be found on the Celebrity Autograph & Photograph page found here.

How much do autographs/photo ops cost?

It varies from guest to guest. If we are provided the cost ahead of time, it will be posted on Epic Photo Ops' web page. The rates can change, but rarely do. Prices will be available at each guest's table as well. When available, helpful links and other information can be found on the Celebrity Autograph & Photograph page found here.

How do I buy an autograph/photo op?

Autographs can be purchased online in advance of the show for select guests from Epic Photo Ops. When ready, you will find a link to the current year's offering on our Celebrity Autograph & Photographs page here. All other autographs will need to be purchased at the guest’s table at the show. Some guests do not accept credit cards. If you do not have cash, ATM machines will be available onsite.

Most autograph and photo ops will be available for purchase online before the show, while appointments last. We strongly recommend that you purchase in advance. See the question above that explains how advance purchases impact the schedule.

If you pre-purchase an autograph and/or a photo op in advance of the show and the guest cancels, those orders will be refunded to you or, in some cases, you can elect to apply the refund to another guest.

Can I purchase an autograph/photo-op at the door?

Yes, you can purchase autographs and photo ops at the Epic Photo Ops Booth in Hall E of the Exhibit Hall on the first floor, or at the celebrity booth. We strongly recommend that you order in advance for those you don't want to miss but last-minute decisions are encouraged as well!

What does "Table Only" mean for autographs?

The guest will sell autographs only at their table.

What comes with an autograph purchase?

Most guests will have an assortment of 8 x 10 photos to choose from that are included in the price of the autograph. A few guests will sell 8 x 10's at their table at a price separate from their autograph fee.

Can I bring my own item for a guest to sign in replacement of the photo?

Yes, as long as it is appropriate and follows all Rules & Guidelines of what is allowed in the convention. More information about their service along with other helpful information and links can be found on the Celebrity Autograph & Photograph page here.

How can I get my autograph authenticated?

Genuine Certificate of Authenticity (Genuine COA) will be onsite providing their authentication services. Onsite, fans can go to their booth after they receive their autographed memorabilia. Their authentication services include third-party witnessing to ensure an unbiased authentication; Certificate of Authenticity; and custom serialized holographic stickers with a unique serial number that will ensure tamper-evident security. For more information on Genuine COA, click here.

Can I pay for an autograph and pick it up later?

Yes. You can pre-order autographs and come by the celebrity area at the appropriate time. Once you get an item autographed, we are unable to store it on your behalf.

How do I send in an item to get autographed?

Please visit our partners at Twin Cities Comics for all of your autograph send-in needs.

Do I have to purchase a photo op to take a picture with a guest?

Generally speaking, ‘yes’. A limited number of guests will allow selfies, or table photos, to be purchased at their table. If allowed, it will be posted at their table.

Are special requests allowed for photo ops?

Approved show props are often allowed and many celebrities will accommodate special poses. All requests are subject to approval by the guest and/or the photographer.

How many people can be in a photo op?

Per the photographer's website, there is a maximum of 4 individuals per Photo Op ticket (this limit does not apply to the Talent or children 3 years and younger).

I have a VIP pass and purchased a photo op, can I have my friends who purchased a general admission pass with me in the VIP photo op line?

Only VIP pass holders are allowed in the VIP photo op line.

Who is the company taking the official photo ops?

Epic Photo Ops.

Who do I contact about my digital photo op?

Epic Photo Ops.

Who do I contact for customer service questions regarding my photo ops?

Submit a form on the Epic Photos website here.

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Programming FAQs

What programming is available for children?

We have a dedicated children’s area with specialized programming and other activities for kids in the Exhibit Hall. The complete schedule will be available online and in the app, you can also view our Family Activities page.

Where can I find the programming schedule?

We strive to have the schedule published several weeks in advance of the event. Once the schedule is live, you will find it on the website as well as in our downloadable app.

The app allows for scheduling selection, reminders, etc. for easy planning. Please note, due to some guests’ arrangements, schedules are subject to change. Notifications of any schedule changes will be sent out through the app and posted on our social media channels.

How can I sign up to host a panel?

When the panel application process is available, you can apply to present your own panel, workshop, entertainment or networking event, etc. You will find the panel submission form link in the footer of the website.

What equipment is available for my panel?

You will have the option to select the amenities you need within the application. Some are equipped with microphones and sound amps. Others also include projectors. Due to cost and limited availability, specialized equipment is not provided.

Who do I contact about my panel?

You can send any questions about your panels to

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Volunteer FAQs

How can I volunteer at Comicpalooza?

Once Volunteer Registration opens, you will find the link in the footer of the website. You must be 18 and older to volunteer.

Can I volunteer for a specific role?

Yes, a specific role can be requested when filling out the volunteer application. Simply check the box for the role you are interested in.

Where can I get my volunteer schedule?

Volunteer schedules will be available after volunteer submissions have ended in the volunteer portal.

Will my application be accepted after the deadline?

No, we do not accept volunteers after the deadline has passed.

I have additional questions about volunteering.

Please contact for any other questions.

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Accommodations FAQs

Can I re-enter the convention?

Yes, you may exit and re-enter the convention as long as a badge, or a wristband for that day, is worn.

Do you have a Lost & Found?

Lost & Found will be at the Info Booth on all days of the convention. After the convention, all Lost & Found items will be held for 30 days.

What are your accommodations?

Our Comicpalooza operations team attempts to accommodate a wide range of audience needs such as aisle and line spaces wide enough for wheelchairs, fully functioning elevators in the Convention Center, ramp accesses where needed, quiet areas to get away from crowds, and other amenities throughout the convention center, but we do not offer discounts or free passes.

If I have a care taker with me, do they need to purchase a pass?

Yes, all attendees will need to purchase a pass for the show.

Do you provide wheelchairs or scooters at the show?

No, we do not provide or rent wheelchairs or scooters at the show.

Do you offer special hotel rates?

Yes, you can find the hotels that offer special rates once they are available for the show here. There is limited availability so we encourage you to book early.

Are service animals allowed at the event?

Yes, service animals are allowed at the event.

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