Angélique Jamail

Known For: A Narrowing Path, The Sharp Edges of Water

Appearances | Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Angélique Jamail is a Lebanese-American author whose work has appeared in numerous publications, including Synkroniciti, Equinox, New Reader Magazine, Waxwing, The Milk of Female Kindness, Femmeliterate, Literary Mama, and many others. The first time she read one of her stories to an audience was fourth grade; it was a character-building experience. Her books include A Narrowing Path (fiction) and The Sharp Edges of Water (poetry). Her work has been nominated for Best Small Fictions and Best of the Net (for essay), has been a finalist for the New Letters Prize in Poetry, and has won various essay contests. She serves on the Board of Directors for Mutabilis Press and is the Director of Creative Writing at The Kinkaid School. She’s also the creator of the popular zine Sonic Chihuahua.

  • Literature